one more time one more chance
一直在找寻 不知在何处的你的身影
对面的站台 小巷的窗口
如果真能实现愿望 现在就要去你身旁
做不到的事情 已经不复存在
只为排遣寂寞的话 对象是谁都不要紧
在这星星损落之夜 我却无法欺骗自己
one more time 季节啊 请不要推移
one more time 曾经无忧无虑的岁月啊
一直在找寻 不知在何处的你的身影
不管是十字路口 还是自己的梦中
如果真能发生奇迹 现在就想展现给你
崭新的早晨 今后的自我
夏日的回忆又上心头 突然消失的悸动
一直在找寻 不知在何处的你的身影
拂晓时分的街道 樱花盛开的路旁
如果真能实现愿望 现在就像飞奔向你
做不到的事情 已经不复存在
一直在找寻 不知在何处的你留下的痕迹
旅途中的小店 报纸的角落
如果真能发生奇迹 现在就想展现给你
崭新的早晨 今后的自我
一直在找寻 不知在何处的你的笑颜
寻遍列车站 走过铁道口
如果真的能有来世 每次都要去你身旁
除了你以外 我已别无所求
これ以上何を失えば 心は许されるの
どれ程の痛みならば もういちど君に会える
One more time 季节よ うつろわないで
One more time ふざけあった 时间よ
くいちがう时はいつも 仆が先に折れたね
わがままな性格が なおさら爱しくさせた
One more chance 记忆に足を取られて
One more chance 次の场所を选べない
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
向かいのホーム 路地裏の窓
愿いはもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
できないことは もう何もない
寂しさ纷らすだけなら 谁でもいいはずなのに
星が落ちそうな夜だから 自分をいつわれない
One more time 季节よ うつろわないで
One more time ふざけあった 时间よ
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
交差点でも 梦の中でも
奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたい
新しい朝 これからの仆
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
明け方の街 桜木町(さくらぎちょう)で
愿いはもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
できないことは もう何もない
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の破片を
旅先の店 新闻の隅
奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたい
新しい朝 これからの仆
いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑颜を
急行待ちの 踏切あたり
命が缲り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ
欲しいものなど もう何もない
《秒速5厘米》选择老牌歌手山崎まさよし在1997年发行的名曲《One more time,One more chance》作为主题曲。该单曲曾经作为山崎まさよし主演的影片《月とキャベツ》的主题曲
CBS完成对CNET Networks的收购
美国当地时间6月30日,CBS Corporation宣布完成对CNET Networks的收购,具体请参考官方新闻稿:
新的CBS Interactive CEO Quincy Smith和总裁Neil Ashe给全体员工写了一封通告信,信件全文请参见本邮件最下面。
新的公司将叫做CBS Interactive(CBS互动),官方公司描述:“CBS Interactive: the premier online content network for information and entertainment.”(CBS互动:世界领先的在线资讯和娱乐内容网络。)从今天开始,CNET Networks的名称将不在使用,我们已经是CBS Interactive的一部分。而CBS Interactive是CBS Corporation(哥伦比亚广播公司)的互联网部门。CBS Corporation是美国纽约证券交易所上市公司(NYSE: CBS.A and CBS)。CNET Networks已停止在纳斯达克上市交易。所有对外通讯,包括媒体、客户、分析等,都将改用CBS Interactive。美国总部将在未来数周内完成各种品牌相关物料的转换,包括各种标示、文档模板、官方网站、名片、签名等。(注:关于中国公司更名事宜,因中国媒体政策和法律的特殊性,有待和美国总部协商后公布。)
Adam Power将继续领导新CBS Interactive的国际业务。本次并购没有改变原来CNET国际媒体任何进行中的计划和业务结构,CBS Interactive将继续大力支持国际发展机会,特别是在中国。
得益于大家的努力工作,中国业务的高速成长使得中国成为了新CBS Interactive中很重要的组成部分。新的公司不仅给我们带来了在音乐、娱乐、新闻和体育领域的互动内容资源,也给我们带来更丰富的传统媒体资源,其种类几乎囊括了媒体和娱乐产业的各个领域,其中包括广播电视、有线电视、地方性电视台、电视节目制作、广播、户外广告、出版、互动媒体、音乐、内容许可、视频/DVD、出版、商场广告和电影等。新CBS Interactive对中国业务前所未有的重视,也使得我们拥有强力的支持,帮助我们做更多的业务创新和拓展。
新的CBS Interactive的主要管理团队如下:
- CEO:Quincy Smith,原CBS Interactive的总裁。
- President:Neil Ashe,原CNET Networks的CEO。
- News & Technology:
- 负责人:Joe Gillespie,销售负责人:Tom Jones
- News旗下品牌:CBSNews.com、CNET News.com。
- Technology旗下品牌:CNET.com、CNET Download.com。
- Entertainment:
- Games, Music and Lifestyle:
- 旗下品牌:GameSpot.com、Last.fm、MP3.com、CHOW、UrbanBaby、Metacritic等。
- 负责人:Stephen Colvin,销售负责人:Jaci Hays,Amy Venier,Last.fm销售负责人:Kevin Menard。
- TV:
- 旗下品牌:TV.com、CBS Audience Network、CBS.com、TheInsider.com、Wallstrip等。
- 负责人:Anthony Soohoo,销售负责人:Ken Lagana。
- Games, Music and Lifestyle:
- Sports:
- 旗下品牌:CBSSports.com、CBSCollegeSports.com、OAS Group、NCAA.com、MaxPreps.com、CBS Collegiate Sports Properties等。
- 负责人:Jason Kint,销售负责人:Rich Calacci。
- Business:
- 旗下品牌: BNET.com、ZDNet、TechRepublic等。
- 负责人:Greg Mason,销售负责人:Wayne Silverman。
- International:
- 旗下品牌:原CNET Networks International Media。
- 负责人:Adam Power。
- CBS Mobile:
- 负责支持各个在线品牌的移动业务。
- 负责人:Jeff Sellinger。
- CFO:Zander Lurie,原CNET Networks的CFO。
- CCO:Dave Morris,原CBS Interactive的CCO(Chief Client Officer)。
- Marketing: Patrick Keane,Mickey Wilson。
- Operations:Sam Parker,Steve Snyder。
- Corporate and Business Development:Mike Marquez
- Legal:Andy Sherman,Lou Briskman。
- HR:Jose Martin,Tony Ambrosio。
- Corporate Communications:Sarah Cain,Gil Schwartz,Dana McClintock。
- 大部分业务将维持到年底不做大的改变。
- 原来旧金山和纽约第28大街的办公室保持不变,部分CBS Interactive员工将搬往纽约第28大街的办公室。原旧金山Menlo Park办公室的CBS员工不变。
- CBS官方网站:www.cbscorporation.com
- 媒体询问:Sarah Cain(+1 415.344.2218 / sarah.cain@cnet.com)
- 投资者询问:Zander Lurie(+1 415.344.2488 / zander.lurie@cnet.com)
- 其他问题:Andy Sherman(+1 415.344.2488 / andy.sherman@cnet.com)
- 同时请抄送:Fan Jian(+86 10 82616677 6024 / fan.jian@cnet.com.cn)
Message to Employees from Quincy and Neil – June 30
Hello Team:
Welcome to the new CBS Interactive: the premier online content network for information and entertainment.
As announced a few minutes ago, CBS is thrilled to welcome the employees of CNET Networks to CBS, and to introduce its new Interactive business to the world.
Together, CBS and CBS Interactive represent an unbeatable combination of premium content online, premium content on air, and premium audiences. As a leading online media network, CBS Interactive has an impressive portfolio of brands, including CNET, CBSSports.com, CBS.com, GameSpot, TV.com, BNET, and Last.fm, to name a few. Together, we cover just about every major category that advertisers care about: technology, entertainment, sports, news, and business, and we have the ability to offer advertisers access to active and engaged audiences, across all platforms on air (radio and TV), online, mobile and outdoor.
Over the past several weeks, the integration team, which includes leaders from both organizations, has been working aggressively on the organizational structure and our go-to-market strategy. Now that we’re officially closed, we’re excited to tell you about some of the progress we’ve already made in the past 30 days. This progress is a direct tribute to the core team who has been working on integration, and also to the fact that we have two businesses that complement one another so well. We have a lot more work to do and will be making a lot more announcements over the coming weeks. But, to have the organizational structure, brand and mission established on Day 001 is unprecedented.
Starting today, we are all part of CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation. CBS Interactive is the premier online content network for information and entertainment.
We are fortunate to have a group of world-class leaders that are familiar with both organizations. As a team, we are focused on one thing?growth. We will achieve this by combining the best of Interactive with the resources and relationships of CBS. We are also committed to the architecture in which dedicated sales management reports to the leaders of each business unit. Following is the CBS Interactive leadership team with a little background introducing each person for the benefit of those who don’t yet know each other but will be working together soon:
- Chief Financial Officer: Zander Lurie will take on the role of CFO for CBS Interactive. Zander joined CNET Networks in 2006 as Senior Vice President of Strategy and Development. In 2008, he took on the role of Chief Financial Officer, where he was responsible for planning and managing the company’s financial activities in order to help the company expand its business, including overseeing the pivotal advertising and content partnership with Yahoo!. Bryon Rubin will be instrumental in the vast amount of integration?financial and otherwise?that needs to be done in the coming weeks and months. After the lion’s share of the integration is complete, Bryon will return to head up CBS Corporate Development for Joe Ianniello.
- News & Technology: Joe Gillespie will be responsible for overseeing the news and technology brands, which include CNET.com, News.com, and CNET Download.com, as well as CBSNews.com. Tom Jones continues to report to him as head of sales. Together, these brands represent the leaders in both the technology and news categories. Joe joined CNET Networks in 2004, and brings more than 20 years of operations, sales, and marketing experience, spanning online, television, events, and print media. There is no one better suited to lead these important brands into the future.
- Entertainment: With sites spanning music, gaming, television, film, and lifestyle, the entertainment properties are divided between Stephen Colvin and Anthony Soohoo. Stephen and Anthony will work closely with Quincy to take advantage of the incredible opportunity this large category presents.
- Stephen Colvin is leading our games, music and lifestyle brands, including GameSpot.com, Last.fm, MP3.com, CHOW, UrbanBaby, and Metacritic. Jaci Hays will continue as head of Sales, with Amy Venier filling in during her maternity leave. Kevin Menard retains responsibility for sales at Last.fm. We’re particularly excited about the opportunity this presents for Last.fm, which will benefit from the cross promotional opportunities available with these other sites. Formerly president of Dennis Publishing, Stephen has a keen understanding of how to build brands that captivate people.
- Anthony Soohoo will run TV.com, the CBS Audience Network, its hub CBS.com, TheInsider.com and the Wallstrip team. Ken Lagana will continue as head of Sales. Anthony, who previously worked at Yahoo! and Inktomi, will also be responsible for existing CBS online content, cross platform content production, as well as original Web content in Entertainment.
- Sports: Jason Kint, who led this years’ record March Madness on Demand, will oversee our diversified sports portfolio, which includes top destinations like CBSSports.com, CBSCollegeSports.com, OAS Group, NCAA.com, MaxPreps.com, and the CBS Collegiate Sports Properties, and is a great example of how an interactive property can be complementary to its Network partner. Rich Calacci continues as head of Sales. Jason and the CBSSports.com team will still be based in Ft. Lauderdale.
- Business: Greg Mason, who joined CNET Networks in 2000, will oversee the Business portfolio, which includes BNET.com, the cornerstone of the business category, and leading sites like ZDNet and TechRepublic. Wayne Silverman continues to report to Greg as head of Sales. We are excited about the potential of BNET.com, which is the fastest growing business site and the go-to resource for managers who are looking for information that helps them succeed in their careers. We look forward to continued growth of these brands under the leadership of Greg and Wayne.
- International: Adam Power continues to lead our international operations, as he has for the past 12 years. This includes our very successful business in China, where we have dynamic and growing leadership positions online in technology, autos and women’s lifestyle. We will continue to look for ways in which we can scale this business more quickly.
Go-to-Market Strategy
As part of the integration process, our sales and marketing teams have been working on developing our go-to-market strategy and the branding of this new division. Jo Ann Ross will remain closely involved, working with Dave Morris initially on the integration of the CBS and CNET Networks Sales team. Jo Ann and Dave will also work to optimize the coordination between the powerful CBS Network Sales organization and our growing Interactive group in order to best meet the need of our customers. Morris, a 20 year veteran of Time, Inc. where he was publisher of Entertainment Weekly, EW.com and Sports Illustrated, will continue as Chief Client Officer at CBS Interactive, and will drive the revenue strategy for CBS Interactive, including management of partner accounts and advertising programs across CBS Interactive. Interactive Sales leaders will report directly to the heads of each business unit.
Patrick Keane and Mickey Wilson will work together on integrating marketing, focusing on strategy, processes and structure. Drawing on their experience in sales development, analytics, marketing and communications, Patrick and Mickey will inform our positioning, marketing programs, research, and ensure a smooth transition for both organizations.
In order to be successful, we need to take advantage of our combined scale and best in class systems across our business. We are fortunate to have the team of Sam Parker and Steve Snyder leading the integration effort and developing combined operations. We couldn’t ask for two better people to be leading this effort, as both of them have a keen understanding of how to scale our systems to achieve success.
CBS Mobile
Led by Jeff Sellinger, the Mobile team will work across all categories and online brands to support each business unit in developing their mobile strategy and business plan. This structure allows us to tap into this team’s expertise in developing content and advertising strategies for the mobile platform. Before joining CBS, Jeff was a founder of GoldPocket Wireless.
Corporate functions
Finally, each of the corporate functions will now have dual reporting into Neil as well as into CBS Corporate to make sure that the interests and strategies of CBS Interactive are aligned with the company as a whole. Mike Marquez, who previously worked at Yahoo in corporate development, will work closely with Quincy, Neil and Zander on Corporate and Business Development for CBS Interactive, as well as with Joe Ianniello for CBS Corporation; Andy Sherman, who joined CNET Networks in 2007 from Sybase, will lead legal, interfacing with Lou Briskman; Jose Martin, who joined CNET Networks in 2007 from Electronic Arts, will lead HR, working with Tony Ambrosio; and Sarah Cain will work with Gil Schwartz and Dana McClintock of CBS Corporate Communications.
We are very excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for us. We’ve got an incredible group of people with unmatched experience, the best brands on the Internet, and the power of the entire CBS Corporation to propel these properties to new levels of success and awareness. With all of our efforts combined, and the commitment and support of the CBS leadership team, including Leslie, Fred Reynolds and Joe Ianniello, we will be bigger, bolder and better.
– Quincy Smith
Chief Executive Officer, CBS Interactive
– Neil Ashe
President, CBS Interactive