Most related models take into account either a time horizon or a two-period horizon with a forecast update. [9] In the latter case, production may be based on the preliminary forecast in normal production mode or on the updated emergency production forecast, which means shorter delays, but higher costs. In addition, the horizon can be made up of several periods and can even be infinite. The most common approach is rolling horizon planning, i.e. updating and extending an existing plan at each time. One of the main characteristics of coordination is the balance of power of the players. Power is influenced by several factors, such as. B obsessive process know-how, number of competitors, value-added ratio, market access and financial resources. The use of certain auction mechanisms is also often used to coordinate the plans of different decision makers. “However, auctions are best applicable in purely commercial interactions at the borders of a supply chain, but not within a supply chain,”[5] which is why they are not generally considered channel coordination approaches. The application of certain negotiating protocols is another widely studied direction for channel coordination. T52 [6] These approaches use iterative solutions, in which partners exchange proposals and counter-proposals until an agreement is reached. This is why this approach is commonly referred to as collaborative planning.
Negotiation protocols can be characterized according to the following criteria: the relationship may be temporary or permanent. In the temporary case, one- or two-period models or even an auction mechanism are generally applied. However, coordination is even more important in permanent relationships, where planning is usually done in a rolling horizon. The coordination of a permanent supply relationship must take into account the learning effect, i.e. the players intend to learn private information and the behaviour of the other. Most models of a period use the Newsvendor model. In the two-period horizon, this is in addition to the possibility of two modes of production. Over a multi-year horizon, basic stocks or, in the event of deterministic demand, EOQ models are the most widespread. In such cases, the optimal solution can be determined by simple algebraic operations. These simple models generally ignore the totally technological constraints; However, in real industrial cases, resource capacity, inventory or budgetary constraints may be relevant. This requires more complex models, such as LP, MIP, stochastic stochastic program, and therefore more powerful mathematical programming techniques may be needed. There are several classifications of channel coordination contracts, but they are not complete and the classes considered are not separate.
[7] Instead of a complete classification, a number of aspects are listed below that will generalize existing taxonomy by allowing classification along several points of view. T52 [8] With regard to optimization criteria, the most common objectives are maximizing profits or reducing costs, but other solutions are also possible, p.B.